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Nutrition and its role in Healthcare

Nutrition is a vital component of healthcare as it envelops a wide range of well-being-related topics. Our physical and mental health, as well as our entire quality of life, are…

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Healthcare Implications of an Ageing Population

As medical advancements and improved living conditions lead to longer lifespans, our world is undergoing a profound demographic shift. The ageing population, often referred to as the “silver tsunami,” brings…

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How to Advance in your Healthcare Career

Entering yet another Monday morning, a sense of déjà vu settles in, as if this day has replayed countless times before. The routine unfolds seamlessly, almost on autopilot. Yet, a…

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Invisalign: Is it worth it?

Invisalign is a popular orthodontic treatment that is designed to straighten teeth without the use of traditional braces. It involves the use of a series of clear, removable aligners to…

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Salaried GP: Why do it?

Working as a salaried GP in the National Health Service (NHS) comes with a lot of benefits, such as providing healthcare professionals with numerous opportunities for professional growth and job…